Wednesday 25 January 2012

The Power of Attitude

Wow, you have to see this video...

Just received it in an email and passing it on for you to watch

It will guide you into a super-positive attitude, reduce your stress, and help you re-connect to your passion for life! Are you ready for this? ...

* Watch It Here -->

It's called "The Power Of Attitude" Enjoy!


posted by Healing Cancer

Friday 13 January 2012

What is Reality?

What is Reality?

Posted: Friday, January 13, 2012


What is reality? we may say that there are many different levels or dimensions of reality and whatever level of reality you are in that is okay. Actors in a TV series are displaying story lines of characters that script writers have written. They come together in a studio and play out their roles. As viewers what do we see? We see a TV screen, a rather small object, and we watch the unfolding drama. We laugh, we cry, we get angry and we can empathize and identify with the lives on that screen. We can discuss the goings on of the characters of the show with our colleges at work and friends and partners. We discuss and contemplate the emotions and feelings of our TV friends. Their lives and behaviors and consequences seem real and we know it is not real, though I fear some people find it hard to appreciate that the actors are not the characters, that is, the characters are make believe, an illusion.

Sometimes actors get too identified with their character that they are portraying and they begin to feel that they are the character. Perhaps the character (especially the hero type) is more appealing to the actor than himself. They start to believe they are the character. The image becomes reality and this is what we do, we believe we are our image.
An image that we portray to the world and we imagine other people perceiving us in the way the image is intended. Images communicating to images, making lots of noise and much ado about nothing. And that is totally okay, there is nothing right or wrong about that. We all do it. It is just another layer built on preceding layers, just the very tip of the iceberg. If we are aware of the layers that are underneath, then we will be happy for we know more of our realities. But if we think that we are only the outermost or the topmost layer, then happiness etc will elude us and we will be deluded. The more layers we are aware of then the more we know of ourselves.

Enlightenment is knowing all of ourself. ‘Know thy self!’ has been echoed throughout our history by mystics and sages and yet how many of us truly want ‘to know myself’? Not just the behavior or why we do the things we do, not understand, not to know a small part of our self, but to Know all.

Knowing ourselves has been acknowledged by all the mystics and sages of the past as the key to enlightenment. Knowing ourselves is a wonderful and mysterious journey filled with awe. There is nothing to be afraid of and yet what prevents us is the fear of the unknown. More correctly it is the fear of ourself that creates the fear of the unknown. Our identity, the ego is the creator of this fear. Our ego fears its own creation, ego fears and is terrified of nothingness. It is terrified that if it reverses direction, instead of going outwards but going inwards it will end up at the beginning. At the starting point of itself, and what then but nothingness, oblivion. The ego will try to prevent you going in that direction, it will produce fear and terror, all fabricated. Illusion, trickery and sleight of hand, but feeling real nevertheless. It works and we simply regain our forward, outward, away from direction, it seems so logical, so logical, so logical, time moves forward, goes from here to there, let’s go that way.

And so we know little of our self, a single drop of water in all the oceans of the world and as we age we know less. The most liberating experience you can have on this plane of existence is reversing direction, diving in, going down and discovering what is there, passing through levels of awareness, becoming more as you do. And nothingness is the gateway, the door, the entry between soul and out here, simply a passageway, pass through and you have enlightenment. But your purpose is not to stay there, for that is what it is, it is all and complete and whole. Your purpose is to be aware of this and then move back through the passageway and up through the levels, with the only knowledge there is, the knowledge of you. You may choose to remove yourself from the noise and illusion of our materialistic world and become a recluse and spend as much time as possible inside and that is okay or you may do exactly what you were doing before and that is okay. Or anything in between.

You will now know more than the tip of the iceberg, you will have been a part of the iceberg, the totality of the iceberg and now there is nothing to fear. You know. What next then is up to you, your ego being just as important as the bliss, will have the ability to decide but decide on knowledge and truth rather than fear. There will be more calmness, a different type of calmness a calmness that is ever present, more of a peacefulness really, even when you are very actively involved in any sort of pursuit or action.

Here is an apt Zen saying, "Before Enlightenment chop wood carry water, after Enlightenment, chop wood carry water." The things that need doing are the same as before. What is different is that you are fully present doing the actions and it feels good doing them because you have chosen to do them. You appreciate, you love, you see illusion for illusion and you stop being illusion. All your uplifting strong emotions are small representations of soul. But words are just words.

So what is reality? Don’t we want to know what reality is? Reality is not meaning, not purpose, not searching, not seeking, not you, not I, not me, not us, not we, not them, not this, not that, not this and that, not time, not space, not boundaries, not love, not hate, not desire, not wants, not needs, not everything, not nothing, not anything.

Reality is a construct depending on where we observe and perceive our experience from -

  1. From a cell in our body
  2. From our inner mind
  3. From our ego – by far the most common and therefore universally accepted by mankind
  4. From mankind as a specie
  5. From life on the planet
  6. From the planet
  7. From the moon
  8. From the centre of a galaxy
  9. From the universe
  10. From outside the universe
  11. From a web that has no weaver
By Philip Martin

Recommended Reading
Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional Freedom

Would you like Live longer and be Cancer Free? Read ‘The 5 Step Cancer Healing Process

Philip Martin is a Naturopath, Hypnotherapist and Author of “Life Patterns, the Secret to Emotional Freedom” and “The 5 Step Cancer Healing Process, a clear and defined pathway”. He is a gifted therapist based on the Sunshine Coast Qld. Australia. read his blog Healing Cancer

Posted by Healing Cancer!__the-5-step-cancer-healing-process

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Simple Carrot Test helps you:

Simple Carrot Test helps you:
Find out how you can heal yourself

Harold Fiske in the National Examiner, 2/18/82, formerly published at

Well-known healer Charles R. Collins says you don't need faith healers to get well - you can do it yourself using the incredible power of the human mind.

And instead of dealing in vague mystical terms about the power of the mind, Collins says he can offer living proof that mental power [i]s a source of life and death, of sickness and health!
Collins, 47, lives in seclusion in Virgin, Utah, about 150 miles north of Las Vegas. It was in Virgin in the early '70s that Collins first discovered the mind is an instrument that can be tuned and controlled as easily as a musician can tune and control a fine instrument.

The result of mind control, says Collins, is amazing benefits to health and peace of mind. Collins says after he cleansed himself of disease and shed 80 pounds he decided to spread his message to others.
He wrote a book, The ABCs of Life, and opened a practice as a [fa]ith healer in Miami in the mid-70s. The basis of his philosophy is [sh]own in a simple experiment, he says.
Read the whole article here

Posted by Healing Cancer

Monday 9 January 2012

Fantastic Opportunity

Fantastic Oppotunity

Revolutionary app banks $400.75/day (real-time proofs)
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Shocking $80k per month (and how this can directly affect you)
Get ready…… for the revolutionary app that will change the making money online industry forever.
Click here now!.
No, it's NOT another simple Wordpress plugin or a simple article spinner/submitter or any blind offer that you've been bombarded with every single day.
This is by far the most sophisticated application that has ever been developed to help people make money online.  You'll see all the REAL-TIME proofs and the software in action.Don’t miss this opportunity – see it in action now: As this will directly affect your online wealth forever!
Philip Martin

Posted by Cancer Healing

Save 25% NOW!

The publisher of my book "Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional Freedom" is offering you a 25% discount, this offer is valid till 31st January 2012.

This is a profound book on human behavior. The author delves deep into the workings of the mind to show how we unconsciously adopt beliefs and form patternsthat ultimately dictate our lives. You are taken on a journey of discovery and exploration into these patterns and how they are resistant to change. He details unique techniques to enable us to transform these patternsusing the path of least resistance. Emphasis is placed on healing from cancer. A true revelation on mind body healing.

Buy the book here >

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What are the coupon's terms and conditions?Disclaimer: Use coupon code LULUBOOKAU305 at checkout and receive 25% off your order. The maximum savings with this promotion is $50. You can only use the code once per account, and you can't use this coupon in combination with other coupon codes. This great offer ends on 31 January 2012 at 11:59 PM PST. While very unlikely reserves the right to change or revoke this offer at anytime, and of course we cannot offer this coupon where it is against the law to do so. Finally, incurs the cost of this discount, so it does not impact the Author's proceeds of the book. This coupon does not work with self-purchases, i.e., if you are the author of the book you are trying to purchase, you cannot use this coupon. This coupon will work for multiple titles but savings cannot go past the maximum of $50.
Be quick and make great savings now, as this offer expires soon.
Philip Martin

Posted by How to Heal Cancer

Sunday 8 January 2012

Time for Stillness

From the inner Journey Emails by


"We're so engaged in doing things to achieve purposes of outer value that we forget that the inner value, the rapture that is associated with being alive, is what it's all about."
-- Joseph Campbell

The sages all say that the path to liberation is found in entering the stillness within. To experience that stillness, we need to be willing to regularly stop the activity for a while. How do we do this in a busy life? We set our priorities. Perhaps it means giving up a TV program or using a coffee break to grab a few moments of solitude. Perhaps we have to ask our partner, relative or neighbour to give us 30 minutes of time away from the kids.
If we really want something, we can make it happen.

"Learn to pause... or nothing worthwhile will catch up to you."
-- Doug King

*** Step by step, progressively learn basic meditation methods to relax, concentrate, focus, reflect, contemplate and illuminate. Learn to meditate with new exercises weekly. Click the following link to <b><a href=""> learn progressive meditation methods.</a></b>

Recommended Reading

Life Patterns, the Secret to Emotional Freedom

Posted by Healing Cancer

The Power of Choice

The Power of Choice

A choice is a decision made between this and that , an acceptance of one thing and a rejection of the other. A choice is the beginning of a set of actions or a step in a process. As such it is evolutionary in that, once the choice is made, that is the end of one step and the next step is presented, that is, taking the action of the decision.
Choices or rather making choices are immensely empowering. When you have made a decision, (which is the acknowledgement making a choice) you have the experience that you are in control, for it is you that made the choice. All choices/decisions are empowering, the act of making a choice is always an empowering act. Don't confuse the act of making a choice with the outcome or result of the choice, that is a separate matter. Let's for the moment simply concentrate on choices. It is simply a fact, that when you make a choice you feel empowered and in control, no matter how fleeting the feeling is.
We can luxuriate in this feeling and give ourselves credit for making a choice, which will empower ourselves even more, for when we make a choice, we grow, we evolve, we become more. Think about it, imagine if you never make a choice !. It is not possible is it, if you don't make a choice - you don't exist. Choices are to be revered as our greatest gift to ourselves.
By Philip Martin

Recommended Reading
Life Patterns, the Secret to Emotional Freedom

Posted by Cancer Healing

The Joy of Stillness

The Joy of Stillness : An Exclusive Renegade Health Article by Dr. J.E. Williams
Yoga and meditation are great ways to ‘unplug’ from our digitally connected world, which leaves us little time for quiet.
Resident Medical Authority: J. E. Williams, OMD, FAAIM
On the first day of 2012, I went to the beach. The Gulf of Mexico was calm and reflective, and warm enough that I could take in the winter sun. During the holidays, I don’t go to cocktail parties, or raw vegan celebrations, or drum circles. This is because in order to have time to write – a solitary deliberate excursion into creativity – I require absolute quiet. To have time to think, a prerequisite to good writing, I need silence. For meditation, not only does the practice foster stillness, it requires utmost quite. And, as a clinician, I’ve found that healing requires all three: stillness, quiet, and a silent mind.
In our digitally connected world, shuttled about by cars, planes, and high-speed trains, where is the time for quiet? Or, for healing? Or, for balance?
As Americans, we spend too much time in front of a screen. The average American logs at least eight hours each day sitting and watching television or sitting and browsing the Internet. Electronic communication is almost instant. Texting and emailing, and social networking reaches friends, family, and followers across the globe. But, when do we find time for ourselves?
Read the whole article here

Recommended Reading
Life Patterns, the Secret to Emotional Freedom

Posted by Cancer Healing

Want To Quiet Your Mind

Want To Quiet Your Mind, Supercharge Your Energy Level & Manifest What You Truly Desire In Life? We've created a FREE audio e-course with meditation techniques to get you started. You'll get guided meditations to help you transform your life from the inside-out. If your happiness is important, click here.
Posted by Healing Cancer

Tuesday 3 January 2012

How one young Asperger looked at life

On a sunny day, a young boy of seven was walking along the bank of a small lake. The boy enjoyed walking and exploring near the blue lake which wasn’t too far from his home. This day was nice and warm and the air still. The boy knelt down beside the lake to look into the water, as he had done many times before; he always enjoyed watching the fish in the lake, wondering what it would be like to be a fish. He was an imaginative boy, and he loved exploring the woods and pastures near the lake. Though he liked playing with the other children in his street, he preferred his time alone exploring. He found the other children noisy and the play harsh. He was a quiet boy and he couldn’t quite grasp the banter and the dynamics involved.

As he knelt down by the lake, he didn’t see any fish but he saw his reflection in the mirror like surface of the lake. It wasn’t the first time he saw his reflection in the lake but this time he looked, really looked and he stared at the reflection looking back at him. He thought what would it be like if he was in the lake looking at himself, kneeling on the bank. He knew what was true, but he always felt free out here, free to pretend and bend what was true, so he let himself be the boy in the lake and he wondered, nothing in particular, just wondered.

The boy slipped into the water, drawn to the reflection, drawn to him in the water and he found himself looking at the boy on the bank and decided to leave his self there. And he wondered what it was like to be the water and he became the water of the lake. How different it was to be the water, to be fluid and not solid. As the water he asked himself what is it that I do and he answered, ‘I am home to the fish and the ducks and quench the thirst of the animals that come to drink’.

The water was inquisitive and wandered to the opposite bank and flowed up upon the grass and lay there. He laid there and felt the grass beneath him and he wondered, nothing in particular, just wondered. The water became the grass and it felt good. He felt the expansiveness and he felt the sun and all was good. He asked himself what he did and he answered that he fed the sheep and gave shelter to the ants and the insects.

He became aware of the tree over there and he thought that it would be good to know something of the tree and so to the tree he went and the tree did feel good. He held the tree and felt the bark. The tree he became. He felt himself planted deeply in the ground, feeling tall and strong, feeling free. And to himself he wondered, what it was that he did and he thought he would answer himself and the answer came, ‘I am a home to the birds, I give shade to the sheep and sometimes a young boy comes and sits at my base’. And the boy sat there looking out to nowhere and he wished there were mountains here, for he had never seen a real mountain except in books and he would dearly love to climb a mountain.

So he sat and he sat and thought of a mountain and he found himself climbing that mountain and as time went by he reached the top of that mountain and he felt ecstatic. From the top of the mountain he saw things differently, actually he didn’t see anything, for he wasn’t looking at anything but he knew he was seeing differently. He felt like he was on top of the world.

He was very happy, just sitting on the top of the mountain and he wondered about nothing in particular, he just wondered and he became the mountain. He didn’t think about becoming the mountain and he doesn’t know how he became the mountain, he doesn’t know when he became the mountain, he didn’t know where or why he became the mountain. But he was the mountain and it was good. It was quiet and still and he felt so big and strong and immovable. It surprised him how huge and massive he was and the mountain was still. He hadn’t realized how mountains felt, but he now knew. The stillness grew, the quietness, the mountainness grew and the feeling stopped, just stillness, quietness and mountainness.

The mountainness grew, the mountain’s awareness grew, he was aware of the land below, of the tree, of the grass, of the lake and the boy at the lake and all the land beyond, still quietly still. There was no boundary between the mountain and all before it, it all blended into one. There was nothing to do, he didn’t need anything, there was no wants, no desires, no thoughts, just stillness and an awareness that the stillness was everything, everything was in the stillness, but no desire for anything. At some level or somehow there was an awareness that to know, see, or have anything of the everything would cost a little bit of the stillness. Noise, movement would enter, the stillness would become less, less whole.

The stillness stayed and it was good. The tree, here he was under the tree, how long he was the mountain he could not tell. But it was time to go home. From that time on, especially when he was in the classroom and he was lucky for he sat at the back by a window, he might look out and see the mountain and there he found himself and the stillness. For he was a quiet boy and he tired of the noise of the classroom, most of what went on in the classroom seemed like pointless noise. He learned all he needed as the mountain.

By Philip Martin

Would you like Live longer and be Cancer Free? Read ‘The 5 Step Cancer Healing Process’
at How to Heal Cancer

Philip Martin is a Naturopath, Hypnotherapist and Author of “Life Patterns, the Secret to Emotional Freedom” and “The 5 Step Cancer Healing Process, a clear and defined pathway”. He is a gifted therapist based on the Sunshine Coast Qld. Australia.

How to Control Anger

By Philip Martin
Many people have an issue with their anger and seek help to resolve their anger issues. It can be said that anger has a negative impact on their lives and sometime there is a heavy price to pay.

Anger seems to arise automatically from within the person and then there is the sense that they were out of control. No one enjoys the feeling of losing control and so the person may feel bad and insecure.
Anger is a range of emotions dictating a conflict between two or more persons, even if you are both people e.g.; "I am mad with myself". Anger can vary from frustration and irritation to being enraged.

What is the meaning or message of anger? What is the unconscious mind trying to communicate? - The message is - that someone has broken or violated a rule that is held in your unconscious mind.

This part of your unconscious then feels personally abused, that something unfair has happened, that an injustice has occurred and it feels powerless to stop it. In this moment there is a temporary inner sensation of helplessness and vulnerability. When this happens you are instantly recapturing the feelings you felt when you experienced a helpless and powerless situation in childhood.

How to free yourself from this unpleasant emotion?

1. Realize everybody has different rules and place varying amounts of importance to them.

2. When you feel anger rising, ask yourself "Which one of my rules is being broken?"

3. Ask yourself "Is this rule important in this situation? Does it really matter?" If it does, then state your position, which sets clear boundaries. E.g.: Someone has told a lie and your rule is 'to be honest', if it is an insignificant lie, you might decide it doesn't matter, anyway the lie belongs to them. If you feel it is important, then you can say to them "I like being honest". Both ways diffuses the anger because you do not feel threatened or powerless.

4. Spend some quiet time writing out all the rules you think you may hold, regardless how silly some might seem. Then ask yourself "did I have a choice in accepting these rules (realize internal rules are enforced upon us by our childhood environment) or were they thrusted on me.

5. Write another list, this list to be rules you choose to have.

Doing the above will help you to discover more about yourself and help to free you from anger and the frustration that follows on from anger.

Would you like Live longer and be Cancer Free? Read ‘The 5 Step Cancer Healing Process’
at How to Heal Cancer

Philip Martin is a Naturopath, Hypnotherapist and Author of “Life Patterns, the Secret to Emotional Freedom” and “The 5 Step Cancer Healing Process, a clear and defined pathway”. He is a gifted therapist based on the Sunshine Coast Qld. Australia.

Cancer Healing